Wednesday, August 30, 2006

My First Interview

Well i just got a phone call.
I have my first ever proper job interview.
At a music business.
This Friday.
At 3:30pm.

All the jobs i have had before were just study uni kinda jobs or all my teaching is word of mouth. Now i have to make up crap about myself and sell my self to be better than everyone else. Just the thought of this scares me quite a bit as i really don't like doing the big 'talk myself up' kinda deal.

Anyone have any tips?


At 9:05 am, Blogger jodi said...

camel you'll be fine! (but just in case here are some tips...)

research the company first so you know what you're going in for

have a list of questions that you want to ask them (about the company, job description - whatever... they're usually impressed that you're taking the time to think about what they want).

do a stealth mission to around the office beforehand to see what others are wearing so you're dressed appropriatley

be punctual!

don't drink coffee or eat just before you go in - and have mints on hand if you do....

that'll do for now. good luck!!!! :)

At 5:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hm cant say i have any tips from experience sorry dude, but this is cool, good luck! will be praying for you and the work situation :)

At 11:21 pm, Blogger Justin said...

I just filed away Jodi's tips...


Prayin' mate!

At 12:25 am, Blogger Camel said...

Thanks guys for the pointers and time for stealth mission so just gonna risk being over dressed and suit it up. Also considering wearing my new glasses as people say they make me look more inteligent. Got a haircut yesterday. Just doing the freak out now.

At 5:44 pm, Blogger Mr Tiedt said...

I have one piece of advice: corporate buzzwords.

But that might only work in the public sector, who knows...

At 12:15 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Jodi pretty much covered it.

Be prepared for the "where do you see yourself in five years?", "why should we hire you?" and "why do you want to work here?" questions.

Get used to talking yourself up coz that's what it's all about!


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