Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Time is...

Was listening to radio in car on way home from bible Study tonight. An ad came on about.

Time is Money: Do you have enough money now? Save for the future....

Obviously i don't agree with this statement. Time is cheapened to be about one thing, the gaining of wealth which will die.

My question here is....

Time is...(insert word/s here)!

Serious or not.

You non posting readers, this is the time to have a say!

PS. yes i am avoiding an assignment!


At 1:03 pm, Blogger James said...

James Says: running out

At 5:33 pm, Blogger jodi said...

i looked it up in the dictionary - i liked one of their definitions: an indefinate period which is suitable for a purpose...
it's so... indefinate...

At 9:35 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

...passing by too quickly...

yet maybe thats cos im sitting here reading your blog rahter than writing my essay...hmm

p.s. really love that picture - where's it from?!

At 9:37 pm, Blogger Camel said...

google images...

At 11:35 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehe fair enough!

heard this in a ben harper song tonite and it reminded me of your post...

"But its time that has taken my tomorrows
And turned them into yesterdays"

At 4:54 pm, Blogger Jim said...

Time is neither here nor there.

(think about it)


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