Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Time is...

Was listening to radio in car on way home from bible Study tonight. An ad came on about.

Time is Money: Do you have enough money now? Save for the future....

Obviously i don't agree with this statement. Time is cheapened to be about one thing, the gaining of wealth which will die.

My question here is....

Time is...(insert word/s here)!

Serious or not.

You non posting readers, this is the time to have a say!

PS. yes i am avoiding an assignment!

Friday, June 02, 2006

Hello Winter!

Well it's only the second day of Winter and its FREEZING. There is no real moral to this story. Just feel like telling the people who already know beacause everyone who reads my blog lives in Sydney anyway.

Walking through the city this afternoon just before it started to rain. Freezing wind. And now with the rain. Very miserable indeed.


Year 7 Guys and Girls are combined tonight in an effort to build up numbers and after Bible Study we are having a prayer meeting for TC. So should be good. As long as there is warmth.